Friday 8 July 2011

Why does one lie ?

Somethings that are part of everyone's life - challenges that they face, ego that they keep, liberty that they enjoy, friends that they makes, time that they have in a day and many more things could be added to the list. It is how one deals with each one of these things make an individual unique. As same question can have different answers by different people. These answers are formed by the way one has learned to deal with challenges, fear, ego, freedom, pressure, happiness, sadness etc.
I think one lies because he doesn't want to confront a situation. Or he does not want to discuss it with the opposite person. I think William Shakespeare has said that if a person lies, it is not his mistake, but the mistake of the person to whom he has lied. The reason of a lie is that the other person has not been able to build up a personality and atmosphere of trust. So one could deduce that a person who lies is the one who doesnt have trust in the other person.
Even a perception of uncertain reaction by the other person can motivate a person to lie. At times unnecessary discussion are avoided by a lie. One more fundamental reason for lying is to keep secrets , where I guess it is an intentional act. Some times safety of a person is dependent of his lying's. At times a person has to lie so that the person on the other end can be taken in under trust and truth is extracted out of him. Robbers  lie to prove their innocence, children lie to parents to avoid restriction, employee lies to employeer to get a sick lie......will add more........